Thursday, April 10, 2008


I absolutely loved the program. I think it has a lot of potential for both teachers and students. I had so much fun looking at all their different graphics and picking and choosing how to put together my own little piece of art. It is very simplistic and easily approachable. I think the only thing that complicated me was downloading the program and also trying how to save it as a jpeg. But other than those two setbacks this program was enjoyable. I think that students of all ages would love it. I am planning on teaching 5 and 6 years olds and I think they may have a few questions with the program, but nothing that a teacher couldn't assist them with!

I could incorporate this in the classroom in almost all aspects. The students could use this program for every subject. It is a fun visual learning assignment. Science projects and art projects and even group projects.. It would be a lot better if parents were informed about this wonderful program then they could work at home on the computer. If that was possible it would make their homework assignments interesting.

As for the via atomic learning I would have to say it was a little to much for me. I am not good at sitting down and watching tutorials on the computer. I once had to watch them for my VSAR302 class and I just couldn't follow along. If you miss a part it so difficult to go back and figure out when you went wrong. I personally need someone next to me helping me and keeping me focused on what needs to be done. Overall I enjoyed this assignment and feel that I have learned a lot through both the tutorial and also kidspiration.....can't wait to use them in my class!

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