Thursday, April 10, 2008

Web 2.0: Photos

Once I figured out how to look at Classroom 2.0 I realized how helpful it is, especially to students like me who can’t figure anything out for the life of them. So I decided to learn about Photos seeing that I take photos almost everyday of my life and upload them onto my computer.

I learned about a new website called Animoto (, and at this site you can upload your pictures and mix them to make slideshows. To go along with the slideshow you can add music of your choice and make it go as fast or as slow as you would like. They look very similar to the slideshows that I have seen on people’s myspace accounts or also similar to movie trailers.

I watched a short tutorial on what needs to be done. First you just have to upload your photos or images. You can pick music from their library or upload some of your own music. Then it makes it into a video that you can email to your friends or family or you can post on a webpage. It is as simple as that!

I thought this was so interesting because it is kind of similar to the movie that we made in class. I could use this in my future to share slideshows with my students. It is something fun to do also with all the pictures I take, and I can send my friends these pictures in a fun, new, and interesting way. I made a short one for a example that is above this post.


Jessie Bi said...

I am glad to read your comment on Photos. This is a good and useful tool to educators. I am willing to learn more and apply it in my future classroom.

Anonymous said...

I can definitely see students can excited about using this tool to make slideshows of their pictures. It seems like a fun project that they could do after a field trip or school break to show some of the hightlights of their experiences. It reminds me of a music video but with still photos. It seems to not require to much time and effort as well so it wouldn't be overwhelming for students or those who aren't technologically savvy like me. Thanks for hightlighting such a cool tool.